Tom Shelton said:
Please! And VB6's doesn't? MS help has sucked for years - fortunately,
there's this thing called the Internet....
Yeah... in dotNet, the internet is required. Not so for VB6 and its version
of MSDN.... but, it makes sense the internet's required since MS
specifically added .NET to the name. It's a web app generator. Now, if I
were creating web apps, or even apps for a mobile device, I surely wouldn't
use VB5/6... but for desktop apps I surely wouldn't want to use dotNet.
Duh, I said that was one of the reasons for control arrays? In VB.NET,
don't have to be a control array and they don't have to be the same type.
are you claiming that you can have the same event procedure handle the
TextChanged event of a combobox and a textbox in VB6?
ummm... yes I am... I'm not sure why this is such a surprise. Have you never
coded a sub to be called from multiple places? What difference does it make
where the change event's coming from, or even what control fired it? If
that's so important, pass the control to the sub. No big deal. geez.
VB never had array or variable initialization on the same line before
either... A feature was added, and a syntax was chosen. Get over it.
Yeah, because it makes the code unreadable. My enter key works perfectly and
I use it all the time.
Dim i As Integer : I = 10 'is perfectly valid code in VB3,4,5,6 but no one
uses that syntax because it's unreadable and (or should I say AndAlso) leads
to bugs.
While I'm at it, this "+=" and similar crap they've added to make C
programmers more comfortable. What a mess that is. I can't believe people
would rather save 2 freaking keystrokes than have easy to read code... but,
I guess when you're in dotNet, every keystroke you can save counts, right?
You don't like LINQ - don't use it.
Thanks for the option... Don't like dotBloat either... so I don't use it.
Mine and about 5 million others, yep.
What? As opposed to:
Dim theButton As Button
theButton = buttons(btnIndex)
Sorry, but I think I like the one line rather then two bit.
If that was supposed to be VB syntax, you forgot the Set keyword.. the code
you posted would attempt to pass the default property of those controls back
and forth.
Set theButton = buttons(btnIndex)
Which ever version my app needs. That's sort of a stupid question - how
Visual Basic runtimes are there? Oh, yeah one for every version.... And,
well were at it lets have a discussion about binary compatability, and dll
Check these groups. How many people say they've set their app for 2.0 but
the installation forces them to install 3.5?
If you're having problems with Binary Compatibility and DLL Hell after all
these years, I'm very sorry. Most of us have figured out how to deal with
those problems.
They give it away for very good reasons. VS's current competition is
all FREE. It's a market difference, and not a reflection on the quality
the product.
In your opinion.
LOL... Yeah right. VB6 was a great tool in it's day, but compared to
it's a toy. To do anything of more then average complexity requires
A toy... yep. One that helped MS "rule the world" in the 90's. btw, try
pasting a block of text in anything resembling an immediate window... what
do you see? What ever it is, it's not what you pasted... now try selecting
that block and pasting into the code window... didn't work at all, you say?
Didn't think so.
Now, try looking at only one procedure in your app.... collapse everything
yet? Can you name a single app in the world that requires its users to edit
text in a treeview? Without an option to turn it off? How about an option to
view a single procedure at a time, without jumping through those dreadful
hoops. Ain't gonna happen? That's because the design team doesn't care. It's
their way or the highway.
through some major hoops, which often if not done properly lead to crashes
hard to find instabilities. I can't tell you how often I read posts over
Hard to find instabilities... and you're questioning someone elses coding
abilities? mmmkay. What ever... btw... in the computer world, if *anything*
isn't "done properly", you'll get the same results.
the classic group that have long complicated answers delving deep in to
API, that are solved in .NET apps in a couple of lines of code. But, if
like dealing in complexity (aka bug riddled apps) then by all means, keep
clinging to your out of date toy environment...
Thanks for that. I appreciate that you've allowed me to continue to work in
VB6... what happened when Vista was released? Oh yeah... people were forced
to throw their pre-2005 dotNet stuff away... VB6 still has support until
Win2008 server dies... what is that... 12 more years?
Wasn't Vista supposed to be "The dotNet OS"?... yeah, 2% dotNet, if that.
Thank you, your too kind.
You're welcome... ya' know... after all of the dotNet trolls going to the
VB6 groups and spouting their "evangelist" crap, I thought you guys might
want some of the same medicine... I'll pop in and rattle a few cages now and
then.... that is, if you don't mind... if you do mind, I can show you how to
block senders, if that helps.
It still cracks me up that Delphi and COBOL code can run nearly unchanged in
dotNet, yet VB code can't.... shouldn't really be a surprise though, since
Anders Hejlsberg had probably never seen VB and Paul "I'm the father of VB"
Vick has never touched pre-dotNet VB code at all. The blind leading the
blind. Simple as that.
Have fun... check in next week... same time, same channel.