controls sharing one OleDbDataReader


Steven K


I am using the following code which works. My question is does the
OleDbDataReader need to be closed and then re-executed for every control?
Is there a more effecient way of doing this other than using a loop?

Thanks in advance, Steven

Dim spTermType As OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Dim prmTermType As OleDbParameter
Dim cmdTermType As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("sp_web_Search", cnnSearch)
cmdTermType.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

spTermType = cmdTermType.ExecuteReader()
ddlType1.DataSource = spTermType
ddlType1.DataTextField = "TerminationType_ID"
ddlType1.DataTextField = "TerminationType_ID"

spTermType.Close() : spTermType = Nothing
spTermType = cmdTermType.ExecuteReader()
ddlType2.DataSource = spTermType
ddlType2.DataTextField = "TerminationType_ID"
ddlType2.DataTextField = "TerminationType_ID"

Manohar Kamath [MVP]

If you think many controls share common data, you could create another
control that just retrieves data and "feeds" it to other controls (say, a
dataset/datatable). But, if your controls are independent, the way you are
doing it is the best way to go.

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