Controls bound to DataRelation Update problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Adams
  • Start date Start date

David Adams


I have a WinForm app with 1 form. This form has 8 user controls each of
which has its visibility set on or off depending on which of the user
controls have been selected by the user. Each of these user controls has
text boxes, datagrids, etc. which are all bound via a datarelation path
(this.txLast.DataBindings.Add("Text", mdsApp,
"App.AppFamilyMembers.LastName")). This entire app works fine until I run
an update via ds.App.Update, ds.FamilyMembers.Update, etc. When the update
statement is called, the grids are blank, the textboxes and other controls
are blank as well. Upon further inspection, the currencymanager position
for each of these relations are set to -1 and even manually setting the
datarelation to 0 results in a position of -1.

I am using databinding with a datarelation path to take advantage of
cascading updates and deletes.

Is there any explanation for this? Is there another solution?


David Adams
As an update, each user control contains tabcontrols as well. The IsBinding
property of the controls in question (after the update) are "false".

I read something about a possible databinding bug in the tabcontrol, I'm not
sure if this is it.

Hi Greg,
Any checkboxes on the user controls?

Yes. One of the user controls contains a tabcontrol which contains two
checkboxes. However, they don't check and uncheck abnormally - I'm not sure
if that is where you were going with that question.
