I want to control the output of all 9 pins of the serial
port on my PC during serial communication sessions. I know
how to transmit and recieve data (Pins 2 and 3) using the
MSComm. But I still don't know how to set the Carrier
Detect pin (pin number 1) to Low or High while I'm
communicating with another computer over the serial port.
I don't want to check its status, but rather to set its
port on my PC during serial communication sessions. I know
how to transmit and recieve data (Pins 2 and 3) using the
MSComm. But I still don't know how to set the Carrier
Detect pin (pin number 1) to Low or High while I'm
communicating with another computer over the serial port.
I don't want to check its status, but rather to set its