Controlling Non-Administrative User Accounts



I am the administrator of my computer. We run Windows XP Professional (at
home). I set up 3 user accounts:

Account 1 Me--administrator, everything loaded & running. Only I know the

Account 2 is dedicated to The Sims 2 game only. My kids know the password
so they can play. I learned thru EA Games how to set up this account to
direct all computer resources to the running of the game. But I had to make
it administrator also.

How do I remove access to every program not needed to run the game,
especially Internet & Media Player? I don't want to have things load on
start up like AVG, McAfee & such. The start menu still shows every program
and is accessable to my kids.

The 3rd account is Guest. I want internet access only on this one but with
FULL SECURITY. My kids, nieces and even husband just don't get it. They
bypass warnings from McAfee and accept unsafe cookies and everything else.
They do not respect my computer or my rules at all.

Both kids & hubby had their own computers but mucked them up to the point
they won't run. Now they want to muck up mine. I want to share, in a safe
and controlled way.

Please help me!

Carey Frisch [MVP]

You may find the following a possible solution:

Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| I am the administrator of my computer. We run Windows XP Professional (at
| home). I set up 3 user accounts:
| Account 1 Me--administrator, everything loaded & running. Only I know the
| password.
| Account 2 is dedicated to The Sims 2 game only. My kids know the password
| so they can play. I learned thru EA Games how to set up this account to
| direct all computer resources to the running of the game. But I had to make
| it administrator also.
| How do I remove access to every program not needed to run the game,
| especially Internet & Media Player? I don't want to have things load on
| start up like AVG, McAfee & such. The start menu still shows every program
| and is accessable to my kids.
| The 3rd account is Guest. I want internet access only on this one but with
| FULL SECURITY. My kids, nieces and even husband just don't get it. They
| bypass warnings from McAfee and accept unsafe cookies and everything else.
| They do not respect my computer or my rules at all.
| Both kids & hubby had their own computers but mucked them up to the point
| they won't run. Now they want to muck up mine. I want to share, in a safe
| and controlled way.
| Please help me!
| --
| Cody
| Professional Slacker
| NASCAR Addict
| Go #88 UPS!


That looks like something I might like. I just glanced thru and will read
carefully later. I think I can use it.

I still don't know if it is possible to disable Internet and other programs
on one login and not on the others. Say I go to msconfig and fix it so AVG,
McAfee, etc... does NOT load on start up. Can I do it to just this one login
or will it effect all of them?

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