controlling Internet Access

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cary Shultz
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Cary Shultz

Howdy! Howdy!

A colleague of mine has set up his wife's company. They
are a simple workgroup with about three computers.
Nothing fancy. Their Internet connection is via Cox

He would like to know if there is any product out there
that can control Internet Access? Meaning, that if
anyone were to try to gain Internet access they would be
prompted for a user name and password, without which
Internet access is denied.

Not going to install any servers ( as ISA would be a
great solution to this ) and Internet access needs to be
available from each machine ( but just to those who have
the user name and password! ).

Thanks all,

Which OS? Which File System? FYI if its NTx and NTFS you can
protect use of iexplore.exe by restricting it to certain users or groups.
(File Properties, Security tab)

The OS is WINXP Pro SP1 with IE6SP1. File format is
probably NTFS. Thought of the permissions thing but that
could be changed - if they know about how to do this and
if they have access. I will have to ask him. Not sure
if the other users will have local Admins rights ( sure
hope not! ).

Do you know of any apps to do this as I described? I am
not familiar with any, but that does not mean much.

Thank you,

The OS is WINXP Pro SP1 with IE6SP1. File format is
probably NTFS. ....
Do you know of any apps to do this as I described?

No but this is the wrong newsgroup to be trying to find out
about such things anyway. I probably should have added
my standard "off-topic" caveat when giving a quick answer
that I think might help

Try doing a Google Groups search on expressions such as
"lock down" in Microsoft XP newsgroups to find out where
that would be discussed and then if you don't find enough
information that way ask in what appears to be the most
appropriate and promising newsgroup.

In addition I like to add the Boolean expression MVP OR MSFT
which tends to filter out unanswered questions and uninformed
discussions. Of course you also risk missing some gems doing
that but that filter just tends to make researching more efficient.

Here's a list of newsgroups for you from a first cut using the
above ideas:

<"lock+down"+MVP+group:microsoft.*.windowsxp.*&ie=UTF-8&hl=en >

Good luck
