I want to draw 2 controls that have the shape of trapezium.
like these:
|\ /
| \ t2 /
| \ /
| \ ____________/
| t1 |
|___ |
The problem that i have is that after that i draw the first control
that contains
the first trapezium, the second one is not totally filled.
i think that the first control draw a rectangle, and the second one
can't fill the area that belong to the first one.
I draw the controls in their paint methods with fillpolygon method.
Here is my code:
Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
Dim _brush As Brush
_brush = New SolidBrush(m_col)
g.FillPolygon(_brush, m_pts)
How can i draw correctly the 2 controls?
Thanks in advance.
I want to draw 2 controls that have the shape of trapezium.
like these:
|\ /
| \ t2 /
| \ /
| \ ____________/
| t1 |
|___ |
The problem that i have is that after that i draw the first control
that contains
the first trapezium, the second one is not totally filled.
i think that the first control draw a rectangle, and the second one
can't fill the area that belong to the first one.
I draw the controls in their paint methods with fillpolygon method.
Here is my code:
Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
Dim _brush As Brush
_brush = New SolidBrush(m_col)
g.FillPolygon(_brush, m_pts)
How can i draw correctly the 2 controls?
Thanks in advance.