I'm haviing a design time problem with a custom control I've wrote.
I've inherit from a label control, and added a new property called
And defined a new enum for it.
When I use it in the designer, I get the error : "object type cannot be
converted to target type" in the task list.
Also when I change the property value to something other then the default,
when I reopen the project the propery return to the default again.
I've read some posts on this problem and followed them, and check that in
the bat file the order of the cf dlls are before the general ones.
Any help?
I'm haviing a design time problem with a custom control I've wrote.
I've inherit from a label control, and added a new property called
And defined a new enum for it.
When I use it in the designer, I get the error : "object type cannot be
converted to target type" in the task list.
Also when I change the property value to something other then the default,
when I reopen the project the propery return to the default again.
I've read some posts on this problem and followed them, and check that in
the bat file the order of the cf dlls are before the general ones.
Any help?