oops really my bad again.. the control is in the panel and its Y is
fixed. I want it to appear within the right edge of the panel always i.e
even as the user scrolls, the X should dynamically change
For a moment I was like how did I miss that..
Peter Oliphant said:
Ok, the obvious answer:
Control->Left = 0 ; // or like 10 for spacing...
Since a control's Left (which is its X) position is relative to it's
parent's left edge. And I'm unclear as to what the Panel has to do with
anything here?
VJ said:
Ok my bad.. I was not clear on that need. I want the control to display
within the left edge of the screen.
I have a form with a Panel. The Panel will have scroll bars. There is
one control in the form who's Y is fixed, but I want the X to be always
to the left edge of the screen. How do I do that?