I created a simple form to add data to a table and things
were going fine until today. I noticed that anytime I
entered data into one of the textboxes, a window pops up
warning me that Access has encountered an error and it
will need to shut down. It then says it will generate an
error report but I don't know where to find that.
Anyway, I was troubleshooting the textbox and I noticed
that if I took out my expression for data validation
everything worked fine. The two versions of the expression
Is Null Or Len([text2])=4
[text2] Is Null Or Len([text2])=4
Note that these expressions were working yesterday. I
don't know why they are causing Access to shut down. And I
don't know where the error log is.
were going fine until today. I noticed that anytime I
entered data into one of the textboxes, a window pops up
warning me that Access has encountered an error and it
will need to shut down. It then says it will generate an
error report but I don't know where to find that.
Anyway, I was troubleshooting the textbox and I noticed
that if I took out my expression for data validation
everything worked fine. The two versions of the expression
Is Null Or Len([text2])=4
[text2] Is Null Or Len([text2])=4
Note that these expressions were working yesterday. I
don't know why they are causing Access to shut down. And I
don't know where the error log is.