Mike Litzkow
I want my user to pick a folder where my code will "walk"
the subtrees and process many files. The FileDialog,
OpenFileDialog, and related classes seem to only want to
pick one or more files (not folders). I wonder if it is
possible to add event handlers or override methods in one
of these classes to accomplish this task. I tried
intalling an event handler for the "FileOk" event
in "OpenFileDialog". The docs say that this event will
be fired when the user clicks on the "Open" or "Save"
button, but my handler never gets called. Has anybody
else dealt with this problem?
--- mike
the subtrees and process many files. The FileDialog,
OpenFileDialog, and related classes seem to only want to
pick one or more files (not folders). I wonder if it is
possible to add event handlers or override methods in one
of these classes to accomplish this task. I tried
intalling an event handler for the "FileOk" event
in "OpenFileDialog". The docs say that this event will
be fired when the user clicks on the "Open" or "Save"
button, but my handler never gets called. Has anybody
else dealt with this problem?
--- mike