Ed Brala
I have a form with multiple labels.I named each
one "lbl1","lbl2" ....
i want to be able to loop through these and change the
captions. I know in VB you can create control arrays and
just loop. But I don't see that in VBA. Is it possible to
assign an object? When I write the following code I get an
error. Help
Dim MyControl as Object
Dim x as integer
For x = 1 to 10
set MyControl = "lbl"&x
MyControl.Caption = """"
Next x
one "lbl1","lbl2" ....
i want to be able to loop through these and change the
captions. I know in VB you can create control arrays and
just loop. But I don't see that in VBA. Is it possible to
assign an object? When I write the following code I get an
error. Help
Dim MyControl as Object
Dim x as integer
For x = 1 to 10
set MyControl = "lbl"&x
MyControl.Caption = """"
Next x