Count me out of replying!
TC said:Count me out of replying!
Irene said:Hi all again,
Well, I have my Athletics database with Athletes, Competitions, Scores
I have a ranking query where I get back the list of the
competitions-athletes and scores opportunely sorted.
I also want to be able to:
1) Select just the top <n> best scores [= SELECT TOP <n>]
2) View the multiple equal-score in order of date in which the
competition occurred [=ORDER BY Score, CompetitionDate]
3) Selecting a TOP <n> limit, view more than <n> best scores if the
(n+1)th, (n+2)th,..(n+m)th extra records have the same score than the
Now, actually TOP allows me view more than <n> athletes in case [3]
occurs, but this works just if I ORDER BY Score only, if I order by
CompetitionDate too, extra records do not appear.
So, at the moment, I am able to return a query that meets requirements
[1] And [2]:
SELECT TOP <n> AtheteName, CompetitionDate, CompetitionPlace, Score
Scores INNER JOIN Athletes . INNER JOIN Competitions
ORDER BY Score,CompetitionDate
.or one that meets req. [1] and [3]:
SELECT TOP <n> AtheteName, CompetitionDate, CompetitionPlace, Score
Scores INNER JOIN Athletes . INNER JOIN Competitions
.or one that meets req [2] and [3]:
SELECT AtheteName, CompetitionDate, CompetitionPlace, Score
Scores INNER JOIN Athletes . INNER JOIN Competitions
ORDER BY Score, CompetitionDate
Is there a way to build a query that allows me to meet requirements
[1][2][3] contemporarly ?!?
Thanks a lot.
Please do not reply to a message that you do not intend to answer. Folks
scanning the newsgroups to help others will assume that someone has already
posted an answer.
John Viescas said:Irene-
Now, solve your problem:
SELECT AtheteName, CompetitionDate, CompetitionPlace, Score
Scores INNER JOIN Athletes . INNER JOIN Competitions
(SELECT Score FROM qryTopScores)
ORDER BY Score, CompetitionDate
Irene said:Hi TC,
I see you have a problem with me.
Actually, I did reply you in the other thread. This was the message:
Hi TC,
Someonelse gave me this address:
It looks like I have a solution for my problem.
However I have still a couple of problems, complications due to the
major complexity of my database in comparison to the Library database
(see the linked page).
But I will open an new post for these as soon as I can manage to
them correctly.
Thanks for your time.
I don't know why your reply didn't go on the newsserver. I'm using a
web interfaced newsreader. Maybe it is not so reliable or maybe my
post has been deleted for some reasons that I don't know.
See also my replies to Steve in comp.lang.basic.visual.database and to
Michel in microsoft.public.access.queries on the same subject [Best
Why didn't I crossposted? Because mailgate.org does not manage
"microsoft.public" groups!
I will use Google from now on, even if it takes so long to see your
message (and the possible replies). Or I will look for some others.
Cannot use newsreaders from here.
In any case, sorry if this has caused misunderstandings, it was not
Point taken.
I guess I was really trying to get the OP to think this:
"Gee, if someone tries to help me in a previous thread, & they give me some
information, but ask me a question, & I do not bother to answer them, then I
repost my question a few days later, the person who tried to help me before,
might not bother to try again!"
John Viescas said:Irene-
So, you want the TOP <n> scores, and then list all the records that have
that score, right? First, find the distinct scores:
Now, find the top <n>:
SELECT TOP <n> Score
FROM qryDistinctScore
ORDER BY Score Desc
Now, solve your problem:
SELECT AtheteName, CompetitionDate, CompetitionPlace, Score
Scores INNER JOIN Athletes . INNER JOIN Competitions
(SELECT Score FROM qryTopScores)
ORDER BY Score, CompetitionDate
John Viescas, author
"Microsoft Office Access 2003 Inside Out" (coming soon)
"Running Microsoft Access 2000"
"SQL Queries for Mere Mortals"
(Microsoft Access MVP since 1993)
Steve Gerrard said:Now my question. What is the difference, in the example above, between writing
the last query as you have, with the "IN (SELECT Score..." sub query, and a
similar one, in which you instead INNER JOINed with qryTopScores on Scores.Score
= qryTopScores.Score? Wouldn't that do the same thing?