continuous subform combos

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Hello. I hope somebody can clear things up for me regarding this matter. I
am trying to set up a database based on the inventory control template. I
have read a fair few posts about combos but still dont fully understand what
to do.

Basically, i need to add a category combo to narrow down the list of
products in a purchase order (orderdetails). I have read a few different
answers to problems regarding this and am at a loss really about how to go
about it.

I would just like some opinions as to what would be the best way really.
Should I add a text box over the 2nd combo? Should I delete the autonumber
primary key and use the product serial number as the primary key/lookup? I
feel defeated really! Can I do filters or queries whereby I query the
products list by each category and do something with that?? Please excuse me
if these seem like stupid questions, i am fairly new to database and have
relied heavily on this and other forums.

Thank you in advance for any help.
Can you narrow down the specific issue? You can use an unbound combobox and
put code on that to filter the subform with Order details.

You create an unbound combobox by opening the properties and delete whatever
is in Control Source. You may not need any code if you set the bound column
of the combobox to the value you want to filter by.

Then in the subform properties, you will see parent and child link fields.
Set the parent to the name of the combobox and the child to the corresponding
field that would have the matching value.

Thanks for replying. I'll try your suggestion.

What I have at the moment is the order and order details linked via the
OrderID. So the productID is selected from tbl products etc. In tbl
products is the FK CategoryID. I wanted to add a 1st combo box (also in the
subform) to select a cat item and the 2nd combo to filter those products
available under that category.

The subform is set to continuous view. The one I'm practising with at the
moment selects OK but then when I select a product with the 2nd cbo it fills
each and every product field with that specific item. From this forum i
have found out that it is because of continuous forms. One of the suggested
work arounds was to unhide the bound column. I havent tried this yet.

this is going to sound quite stupid I'm afraid)... but i have to ask
If I put the first combo in the main form (select category), which filters
those specific products into the 2nd combo on the subform - i then choose the
products i wish to order, can I then go back up to the 1st combo and select
another category? - I am posting from work and the DB is on my home computer
so I cant test this out until tonight.

Thanks again