I am considering buying either the Epson r240 or the r265, I'm not too sure
which one as yet and as the price in the UK is very similar that will not be
a factor in my choice. I understand that the r265 can print on a DVD/CD
which might have some use, I'm not too bothered about the LCD display on the
r240. I have noted that the Jet Tec cartridges for the r240 can be filled at
100% greater capacity against that of the originals and the r265 ones are at
30% above their originals.
Any input on the pros and cons of the above would be welcomed
I have seen this....
and wondered if anyone has tried one of these systems and would like to
comment on it. It reads very well but I have had no practical experience of
using one and so I'm not too sure how well they will work.
I remember some years ago dealing with a company called 'Inky Fingers' and
after trying to refill a few cartridges I realised how apt their choice of
names was. Hopefully the above might be a way to not repeat the problem of
multi coloured fingers....!!!!
As I will be using my Samsung laser for black / text printing the Epson
would be restricted to just colour use. Photos and then a few leaflets
(having the black done via the Laser first) would be the prime use.
Noisy hard drive....
I am considering buying either the Epson r240 or the r265, I'm not too sure
which one as yet and as the price in the UK is very similar that will not be
a factor in my choice. I understand that the r265 can print on a DVD/CD
which might have some use, I'm not too bothered about the LCD display on the
r240. I have noted that the Jet Tec cartridges for the r240 can be filled at
100% greater capacity against that of the originals and the r265 ones are at
30% above their originals.
Any input on the pros and cons of the above would be welcomed

I have seen this....
and wondered if anyone has tried one of these systems and would like to
comment on it. It reads very well but I have had no practical experience of
using one and so I'm not too sure how well they will work.
I remember some years ago dealing with a company called 'Inky Fingers' and
after trying to refill a few cartridges I realised how apt their choice of
names was. Hopefully the above might be a way to not repeat the problem of
multi coloured fingers....!!!!
As I will be using my Samsung laser for black / text printing the Epson
would be restricted to just colour use. Photos and then a few leaflets
(having the black done via the Laser first) would be the prime use.
Noisy hard drive....