Continuous Forms Highlighting

  • Thread starter Thread starter jb
  • Start date Start date


Is there a way in A2002 to have different rows on a continuous form
highlight with a background color? I have a form/subform where the subform
is a list of transactions. There is a checkbox the user can select/deselect
on each row. What I would like to do is when user goes from master record
to master record on the form, I would like to have the transactions on the
sub-form highlight in a different color for all those where the checkbox is
unchecked. So there is a field that can be used to make a decision on
whether or not to highlight the row, but I can't figure out how to do this,
if possible at all.

I went onto The Access Web and saw the ConForm.Zip module which sounds like
it is going after something similar, but it didn't fit exactly. Any ideas
would be great. Thanks.

The CustomerYesNo form is exactly what I was looking for. I just have to
figure out how you did this so I can apply it to my forms. Thanks a lot.
