Jonathan Mulder
I've created a Continuous form that has fields
for "Purchase Date" and "Forfeit Dates". The data is
indexed on "Purchase Date". Generally, I have 2 to 5
rows of data (i.e., 2 to 5 records). The user can change
the Purchase Date and Forfeit Date values for all the
records. When the user clicks the OK button, I want to
do data checking to ensure that:
1) Forfeit Date is AFTER Purchase Date in the record.
2) Purchase Date in current record is AFTER Forfeit Date
in previous record, and so on to last record.
If the condition is not met, I want to set focus back to
the TextBox for the Purchase Date or Forfeit Date on the
row (i.e., record) that it occurs.
How can I specify the row to set focus on? The Form
Design shows only the two TextBoxes for one row.
Thanks for any help!
Jonathan Mulder
California Department of Water Resources
Red Bluff, CA
for "Purchase Date" and "Forfeit Dates". The data is
indexed on "Purchase Date". Generally, I have 2 to 5
rows of data (i.e., 2 to 5 records). The user can change
the Purchase Date and Forfeit Date values for all the
records. When the user clicks the OK button, I want to
do data checking to ensure that:
1) Forfeit Date is AFTER Purchase Date in the record.
2) Purchase Date in current record is AFTER Forfeit Date
in previous record, and so on to last record.
If the condition is not met, I want to set focus back to
the TextBox for the Purchase Date or Forfeit Date on the
row (i.e., record) that it occurs.
How can I specify the row to set focus on? The Form
Design shows only the two TextBoxes for one row.
Thanks for any help!
Jonathan Mulder
California Department of Water Resources
Red Bluff, CA