I'm working in Access 2003 trying to
build something that will allow users to
identify employees' processes within
their groups.
With your help, I have worked through
the first part of the problem, identifying what
team each employee belongs to, now I need
to assing the process to the employee.
I have a continuous form that shows
the processes for each team. Beside
each process I have a combo box for
the user to select the employee name
associated with the process.
I used this to assign the Team number
to the employees:
HoldTLTeamID = Forms!subfrmZoneTMTeam.TLTeamID.Value
With Forms!subfrmZoneTMTeam.LstTM
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
strQuery = "UPDATE TMInfo " & _
"SET TLTeamID= " & HoldTLTeamID & _
" WHERE TMNumber = " & .Column(0, varItem)
CurrentDb.Execute strQuery, dbFailOnError
Next varItem
End With
Where the employees names are selected from
a list box control.
Now, how can I accomplish the same thing with a
continuous form....?
Do While Not .EOF
With Forms!subfrmZoneOrg1.txtName
strQuery = "UPDATE TMInfo " & _
"SET ProcessID= " & Forms!
subformZoneOrg1.ProcessID & _
" WHERE TMNumber = " & .Column(0, varItem)
CurrentDb.Execute strQuery, dbFailOnError
End With
although this doesn't work, I was hoping it
would demonstrate what I am trying to accomplish
Can someone point me in the right direction?
build something that will allow users to
identify employees' processes within
their groups.
With your help, I have worked through
the first part of the problem, identifying what
team each employee belongs to, now I need
to assing the process to the employee.
I have a continuous form that shows
the processes for each team. Beside
each process I have a combo box for
the user to select the employee name
associated with the process.
I used this to assign the Team number
to the employees:
HoldTLTeamID = Forms!subfrmZoneTMTeam.TLTeamID.Value
With Forms!subfrmZoneTMTeam.LstTM
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
strQuery = "UPDATE TMInfo " & _
"SET TLTeamID= " & HoldTLTeamID & _
" WHERE TMNumber = " & .Column(0, varItem)
CurrentDb.Execute strQuery, dbFailOnError
Next varItem
End With
Where the employees names are selected from
a list box control.
Now, how can I accomplish the same thing with a
continuous form....?
Do While Not .EOF
With Forms!subfrmZoneOrg1.txtName
strQuery = "UPDATE TMInfo " & _
"SET ProcessID= " & Forms!
subformZoneOrg1.ProcessID & _
" WHERE TMNumber = " & .Column(0, varItem)
CurrentDb.Execute strQuery, dbFailOnError
End With
although this doesn't work, I was hoping it
would demonstrate what I am trying to accomplish
Can someone point me in the right direction?