Continuous form + strQuery = UPDATE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Opal
  • Start date Start date


I'm working in Access 2003 trying to
build something that will allow users to
identify employees' processes within
their groups.

With your help, I have worked through
the first part of the problem, identifying what
team each employee belongs to, now I need
to assing the process to the employee.

I have a continuous form that shows
the processes for each team. Beside
each process I have a combo box for
the user to select the employee name
associated with the process.

I used this to assign the Team number
to the employees:

HoldTLTeamID = Forms!subfrmZoneTMTeam.TLTeamID.Value

With Forms!subfrmZoneTMTeam.LstTM
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
strQuery = "UPDATE TMInfo " & _
"SET TLTeamID= " & HoldTLTeamID & _
" WHERE TMNumber = " & .Column(0, varItem)

CurrentDb.Execute strQuery, dbFailOnError
Next varItem
End With

Where the employees names are selected from
a list box control.

Now, how can I accomplish the same thing with a
continuous form....?

Do While Not .EOF
With Forms!subfrmZoneOrg1.txtName

strQuery = "UPDATE TMInfo " & _
"SET ProcessID= " & Forms!
subformZoneOrg1.ProcessID & _
" WHERE TMNumber = " & .Column(0, varItem)

CurrentDb.Execute strQuery, dbFailOnError

End With


although this doesn't work, I was hoping it
would demonstrate what I am trying to accomplish

Can someone point me in the right direction?
Before we go further, is the field that indicates which team member a process
belongs to in the same table that provides information on the process or are
we working with two different tables?
two differnt tables.

The employee info table is called


With a ProcessID field

and the "ZoneProcess" table that
lists the processes.