Continuous Form & 2 queries



User would like a spread sheet type look (former excel junkie)…but for a
good reason. Will describe in nontechnical terms:
The data on left half is related to data on right half by a unique common
field. But a query that would bring them into a single record source results
in the query not being update-able. (The left half data is from a query that
has a sum subquery….so I understand why the query is not updateable)

So while the left half data is static – the right half data is update-able.

Going with a subForm loses the continuous form look they want to scroll thru
lots of lines of data

Is there any method to establish a continuous form style where the
left/right sides scroll in sync? Am in 07. Or maybe I need to back and
forth between access & excel……presuming someone else out there has wrestled
with the same situation would welcome ideas…..


answering my own question;

write the left side data to a temp table - then make query on this and right
side data......results in an updateable query...allowing a continuous form....

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