continues the music but the pictures freeze on one photo

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Made a presentation with still pictures and music. My problem is that it
plays wonderfully on desk top but when I create the CD version it plays fine
but only ¾ of the way through.

It continues the music but the pictures freeze on one photo. Tried deleting
that picture but it then only goes forward about 10 more and then does the
same thin on a different photo.
Please someone help with this issue. I am up against it! I have a video
that lasts 30 minutes with hundreds of pictures. I need to show it for my
mom and dad's anniversary party this Saturday and I can not get it to work
when I make a movie CD.
Lovestotakepictures said:
Please someone help with this issue. I am up against it!
I have a video that lasts 30 minutes with hundreds of
pictures. I need to show it for my mom and dad's
anniversary party this Saturday and I can not get it to
work when I make a movie CD.
Just wondering...what format is your movie
saved in and how...exactly...did you make
a movie CD?


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

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I finally got my movie together (about 20 minutes and 300+ pics) I had to
save it in 3-5 minute "chunks", then I pieced it together with transitions
with my Intervideo DVD software that came with my computer. I then burned
the DVD. Extra time, but it worked and I have my movie!