Continue record onto next page in report

  • Thread starter Thread starter mcwhirt3
  • Start date Start date



I am using access as a project list program. I run a report to
display the contents of a table. Sometimes a "project" will extend past
the length of one 8.5x11 page, and access lets it flow(wrap) correctly
to the next page. However, if an entry ends leaving for example half
the page empty, the next entry will not be listed consecutively unless
it can fit entirely into the remaining space on that same page.
Basically i need this project list to flow consecutively, item after
item, leaving no white space in between entries. Thank you very much
for any help.
Change your grouping ans sorting options. Sounds like the "keep together"
option might be wrong.

Or, look at the "force new page" option in the properties for your detail
section, or yout header sections.
Thak you..the answer was to strangely make the "keep together" in the
section properties option "no" not "yes" which seems backward but seems
to make it work.
That is not backwards.

Yes, means that you want to keep all the data for a particular record
together. This normally involves moving the record to a page all by itself.

Hope that helps.