Continue Numbering Format

  • Thread starter Thread starter primal
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I have to admit Bullets and Numbering have always drove me completely insane
but this is the worst I've had. I've inherited a document which I need to add
one extra part to. The document consists of a table of contents field with
numbering going to three levels (e.g. 1.1.1). Then this links to the sections
in document itself. The last number of Section 4 is 4.3.30. I want to add
Section 4.3.31. I have tried simply continuing the numbering but I do not get
this option. I go to just below section 4.3.30, I right click > Bullets and
Numbering > Outline Numbering and the option to continue numbering just isn't
there. I try creating a new numbering system which starts at 4.3.31 but the
formatting is all wrong and besides this seems unprofessional - I just want
to continue the numbering. I've tried in both the table of contents and the
main document but nothing. Normally Word is overy enthusiastic about
continuing Numbering with the same formatting but I just cannot do it in this

Any ideas?
I think you are going about this the wrong way from your description.
Go to point in the document you want the new heading to be, after the
described 4.3.30.
Insert new paragrah (if none there already) add the text you want to be the
new heading, then apply the Style Heading 3 (Word built-in Ctrl+Alt+3). The
new heading should now be 4.3.31. If the document has another style for this
Heading level, i.e. not the built-in, then use that style. You can use the
Format Painter (paintbrush) icon to capture the style from 4.3.30 and paint
on to the new text.
Then refresh the Table of Contents, and 4.3.31 should now appear.

Hope this helps
Where you want Heading 4.3.31 to be, insert a paragraph (type Enter).
With the cursor in that paragraph (whether or not you've typed the
content of the heading yet), select the style Heading3 (or whatever
style is on Heading 4.3.30). The heading style is probably set to be
followed by Normal, so you can just keep typing.
primal said:

I have to admit Bullets and Numbering have always drove me completely
insane but this is the worst I've had. I've inherited a document
which I need to add one extra part to. The document consists of a
table of contents field with numbering going to three levels (e.g.
1.1.1). Then this links to the sections in document itself. The last
number of Section 4 is 4.3.30. I want to add Section 4.3.31. I have
tried simply continuing the numbering but I do not get this option. I
go to just below section 4.3.30, I right click > Bullets and
Numbering > Outline Numbering and the option to continue numbering
just isn't there. I try creating a new numbering system which starts
at 4.3.31 but the formatting is all wrong and besides this seems
unprofessional - I just want to continue the numbering. I've tried in
both the table of contents and the main document but nothing.
Normally Word is overy enthusiastic about continuing Numbering with
the same formatting but I just cannot do it in this case.

Any ideas?

Place the cursor after the last character of the last para in the preceding
section. Press Return and it should generat the next number for you.

4.1 This is some existing text. |(place cursor here & press return)
4.2 was auto-inserted.