After printing a file my printer keeps spitting out blank pages. I've tried
cancelling the print from the control panel to no avail. I've tried shutting
off the printer. ditto. I've tried rebooting... ditto. The only thing that
seems to work is to shut down and not start up again for about an hour.
Ironically, this does not happen every time. I have a HP DeskJet 890c and had
no similar problems under Windows 98. Any suggestions would be greatly
cancelling the print from the control panel to no avail. I've tried shutting
off the printer. ditto. I've tried rebooting... ditto. The only thing that
seems to work is to shut down and not start up again for about an hour.
Ironically, this does not happen every time. I have a HP DeskJet 890c and had
no similar problems under Windows 98. Any suggestions would be greatly