Hi all,
I didn't know where to post this question. Hope this is the right place.
I have made a simple context menu entry to convert .avi files to .mpeg files
with a simple right click.(below)
It works fine. Except, I would like to be able select multiple .avi files at
once to convert. When I do, It opens the application each time for each file
I select.
i.e.. if I highlight 2 files and click Convert to MPEG it tries to open 2
copies of the Application.
I want it to load the 2 (or whatever number of files I select) into the
Is this impossible if the program doesn't support it? i.e. switches..etc..
Is there something simple I am missing? (dont use the %1)
I'm still learning and I am not having much luck with Google with this one.
hope this isn't to silly a question..
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AVIFile\shell\Convert to MPEG2]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AVIFile\shell\Convert to MPEG2\command]
@="C:\\DVD_PAL.EXE \"%1\" /Start /Shutdown"
---end paste---
Any help would be appreciated..
I didn't know where to post this question. Hope this is the right place.
I have made a simple context menu entry to convert .avi files to .mpeg files
with a simple right click.(below)
It works fine. Except, I would like to be able select multiple .avi files at
once to convert. When I do, It opens the application each time for each file
I select.
i.e.. if I highlight 2 files and click Convert to MPEG it tries to open 2
copies of the Application.
I want it to load the 2 (or whatever number of files I select) into the
Is this impossible if the program doesn't support it? i.e. switches..etc..
Is there something simple I am missing? (dont use the %1)
I'm still learning and I am not having much luck with Google with this one.
hope this isn't to silly a question..
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AVIFile\shell\Convert to MPEG2]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AVIFile\shell\Convert to MPEG2\command]
@="C:\\DVD_PAL.EXE \"%1\" /Start /Shutdown"
---end paste---
Any help would be appreciated..