There will never be an end to war for some good time yet. Basically because mankind is stupid and primitive.
And some sections of mankind are more primitive than others.
To be honest it baffles me why ever since we started recording history we've been sabre rattling.
Wouldn't it be a lot more fun to all get along together and have lots of fun instead of lopping each other's heads off?
I know, I know, simplistic and it will never work.
Human beings are odd. Out of all the animal kingdom they are the only ones that will kill for pleasure.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is where war's concerned don't expect people to fight abiding by the Marquess Of Queensbury rules.
Cluster bombs; land mines; terrorism; biological warfare; flying aeroplanes into skyscrapers; genocide; economic crippling; sanctions; starvation; potato famines; nuclear strikes; dirty tricks - nothing is too low, too unnacceptable, too downright nasty for mankind's rather inventive ways to hurt his fellow man.
Get used to it - it's part of the human condition.
In 3000 years - if we're still in existence - it may not be.
Let's hope so.