Outline the exact steps you are taking to publish to the server.
What's the URL?
"Front Page not publishing to website"
| The Go Daddy tech person said that he can see the changes, mostly
| in a folder that is not published. I cant find the changes I made in the
| folders on either my C dr or in My Webs. He suggested I try during the day
| but I am not around the office 9-5
| Russ
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > Are they trying to say you are Publishing to the wrong folder?
| > How and to where are you Publishing...list the steps.
| >
| >
| >
| > "Front Page not publishing to website" <Front Page not publishing to
| > (e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
| > | > | The changes that I have made in C drive will not publish to the
| > | correctly. The tech folks at Go Daddy tell me that the changes are
| > to
| > | sub folders that are not published, but still show up in the hosts
| > server??.
| > | Any ideas?
| > | Russ
| >
| >
| >