"Content Advisor"

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I had allowed my roommate to use my computer (mistake #1) with the condition
that he NOT download any programs or change any settings. Well, of course he
did, and now he has changed my settings and enabled Content Advisor and added
a password. However, he swears he cannot remember the password he used, not
even with the hint provided. Is there anyway to correct this? Can I delete IE
and re-install?
Virg said:
I had allowed my roommate to use my computer (mistake #1) with the
that he NOT download any programs or change any settings. Well, of course
did, and now he has changed my settings and enabled Content Advisor and
a password. However, he swears he cannot remember the password he used,
even with the hint provided. Is there anyway to correct this? Can I delete
and re-install?

Normally I don't provide help on how to bypass passwords unless face to face
with the customer as everyone here is an unknown and could be subverting the
computer owner's setup. However, Microsoft did such a piss poor job of
secreting and protecting the password that it only takes a little registry
hunting to find the workaround.

By the way, are you going to punish your roommate? If your roommate lost
the keys to your car and you had to make a new set (by copying a spare set
or using the key code), wouldn't you charge your roommate for having to
replace the lost keys? However, unlike accidentally losing the keys, your
roommate made an obviously conscience and deliberate decision to disobey
your rules for their use of YOUR property. If the roommate won't buy you
lunch, walk into their bedroom in the middle of the night, turn up the
volume on their stereo or a boombox you bring in, and switch it on.