Scott Fairris
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
I recently activated content advisor in Windows 2000 and
it was working well. It has stopped working at all, what I
have noticed that is that on my list of approved sites I
always find a site with no name and only a green check in
the left hand side of the box. I delete this site and hit
apply but as soon as I close out the Internet Options
Control are the file comes back again. How did this get
there and how do I delete it. I'm sure it tis the source
of my problem. Thanks,
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
I recently activated content advisor in Windows 2000 and
it was working well. It has stopped working at all, what I
have noticed that is that on my list of approved sites I
always find a site with no name and only a green check in
the left hand side of the box. I delete this site and hit
apply but as soon as I close out the Internet Options
Control are the file comes back again. How did this get
there and how do I delete it. I'm sure it tis the source
of my problem. Thanks,