Contacts to MS Word via Mail Merge

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OK, so I've read the posts about not using PAB files. So here's my issue. When I try to use mail merge to create an address list in Word the data in the Outlook Contacts folder is not available. So what am I doing wrong, since I read that this should be possible under MS Word, but I can't figure out the scheme to do so?
Thanks, Peter
Rather hard to say what you're doing wrong when we don't know what you're
doing. We're not watching you, you know.
Post versions.
Post how you've configured your Outlook Address Book.
Post the steps you are using and the exact error messages you get.
Russ Valentine
Panntilt said:
OK, so I've read the posts about not using PAB files. So here's my issue.
When I try to use mail merge to create an address list in Word the data in
the Outlook Contacts folder is not available. So what am I doing wrong,
since I read that this should be possible under MS Word, but I can't figure
out the scheme to do so?
Outlook 2002. I have one mail personal folders that contians a Contacts folder with all my addresses, including email addresses. I created a new document in Word, i.e. Avery mailing labels and went to "get data" and got this error message: Word failed reading this file (Outlook.pst). Please restore the network connection or replace the floppy disk and retry. As usual this is mostly MS jibberish, but we understant that it can't open the file and get the data.
What happens when you start the mail merge from Outlook?
Is the Outlook Address Book configured correctly in your default Outlook
Is Outlook your default mail program?
Russ Valentine
panntilt said:
Outlook 2002. I have one mail personal folders that contians a Contacts
folder with all my addresses, including email addresses. I created a new
document in Word, i.e. Avery mailing labels and went to "get data" and got
this error message: Word failed reading this file (Outlook.pst). Please
restore the network connection or replace the floppy disk and retry. As
usual this is mostly MS jibberish, but we understant that it can't open the
file and get the data.
I just tried creating the mail merge from Outlook. I understand the process but was unable to complete. Also, got a message that Word could not get the data. I need to look at this again to see if there is something that I'm doing that's incorrect. However, I did not see the "field" selection dropdown so that I can auto place the field names into the address labels
Your second question is more problamatical. How would I determine if the Outlook address is configured correctly. It is working OK and all my addresses are there and available
Third, Yes Outlook is my default email program
Thanks, Peter
You have yet to post your Outlook version.
Russ Valentine
panntilt said:
I just tried creating the mail merge from Outlook. I understand the
process but was unable to complete. Also, got a message that Word could not
get the data. I need to look at this again to see if there is something
that I'm doing that's incorrect. However, I did not see the "field"
selection dropdown so that I can auto place the field names into the address
Your second question is more problamatical. How would I determine if the
Outlook address is configured correctly. It is working OK and all my
addresses are there and available.
Maybe it was buried in the thread.
When you access the Outlook Address Book in Outlook, do all your Contacts
with electronic addresses appear as they should?

If not, go to Tools | E-mail accounts, select "View or change existing
directories or address books", and click OK. If you don't see the OAB in the
Directories and Address Books list, click the Back button, then select "Add
a new directory or address book", then "Additional Address Books", and add
the OAB. Then keep clicking Back until you get back to the first dialog
box, and go back to the Directories and Address Books list as you did
earlier. Once the OAB appears in the list, select it and then click Change
to make sure the Contacts folder(s) you want to display are listed. If any
of them aren't listed, you'll need to enable those Contacts folders as
Outlook Address Books by right clicking the folder, selecting Properties,
clicking the Outlook Address Book tab, and checking the "Show this folder as
an E-mail address book" box. Make sure you restart Outlook after making
these changes.
Thank you, thank you! Problem solved!
Yes, my Outlook is set up correctly and therefore I was able to create the mail merge document based on all the information you provided, following directions and paying carefull attention to detail. I have saved all the information we've exchanged just incase my memory fails me in the future. The service you provide is invaluable
Thanks and Happy New Year