Contacts Schema

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff
  • Start date Start date


Does anybody have a complete schema for Exchange 2000 Contacts?

I see all the fields in the SDK docs and by using the "F2" key in MS
VB6 but I can't find any reference to the length for each of the
string fields. I want to create a SQL table to export the contacts to
but I don't know if all of the SQL fields have to be varchar 255.

An MS-SQL create table script would be perfect but any other schema
releated information will be appreciated.


String fields can be much longer than 255 characters and for Body
you'd have to allow for a virtually unlimited field length since a
Body can exceed 65535 characters easily.
Yes, a string can be much larger than 255 but my goal is a MS-SQL
table Yes, a string can be much larger than 255 but my goal is a
MS-SQL table (schema) to properly hold the contacts database. It
doesn't seem too efficient to have every SQL field of type "text" so I
looked at the contacts GUI form and it seems that most of the string
fields don't allow you to type more than 255 characters except the
"body" field which I did make a text field.

The Exchange SDK docs. don't really provide very good detail in this
area and I feel that 110 fields of varchar(255) is also very crude but
seems necessary.

Any further thoughts on this ?


I haven't seen any schema like that, although it might exist somewhere
I suppose. If you use varchar(255) you would just have to truncate any
fields that are longer. You also might want to account for possible
unicode fields if applicable, depending on the user base and the
charsets they use.