"SDR" wrote:
Yes there is, but like everything else in Vista, it's much more work than in
Windows XP!
With your contacts showing, make sure that the columns displayed include the
last name and first name fields. To do this, right click on the column
headers and then click on those fields to turn them on. If they don't show in
the "short list", click more, navigate down thru the million <grin> field
choices, and check each of them.
Now, you will have those fields listed as a column each and you can sort on
them. Of course, you do have to make each entry show those names separately.
I show the full name and each of first and last names, among other items. I
also found that some characters, such as quote marks around a nickname, are
very distasteful to Windows Contacts and the entire handling is much clunkier
than Windows Address Book.
Incidentally, I have tried to run WAB under Vista and it just brings up the