Your post is negative and condescending. You appear not to understand
the people here who need help are not experts, or they wouldn't NEED to
for help. Posting a question here was my last resort after spending hours
searching for a solution to THIS PROBLEM. Forgive me if I don't want to
waste my life learning all the ins and outs of a program with more bugs
security holes than I can shake a stick at. I didn't know that
autoresolution even EXISTED, nor should I need to because it has NOTHING
do with my problem. Read your post. Decide why you are here "helping"
people and post back again with a HELPFUL response. Just because we don't
know every ^&$@ thing about Outlook doesn't mean we deserve to be treated
way you treat users here, Russ. I've seen your responses to other users
having similar problems and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm just the closest thing to a computer literate person where I work and
doing my best to help people with the problems they're experiencing.
me, Russ, obviously that makes me deserving of your contempt.
Quite seriously, all you needed to write was that Autocompletion stores
e-mail addresses in a file seperate from Contacts. Or, you could even
posted that link to your longwinded "clarification" of
autocompletion/autoresoultion and spared me the condescending and
attack. Either would have been more amiable and more to the point than
you decided to write.
No thanks to you I found a free utility called (formerly nk2csv)
that allowed me to easily extract all the emails stored by autocompletion
export them in a format that allows me to import them as contacts into
Outlook. Then it was a simple matter to remove the malfunctioning Address
Book and replace it. Now my users Address Books are fixed and they can
access all their contacts through the Contacts section of Outlook, which
you read my post is quite clearly what I was asking for.
Russ, if you're frustrated with peoples' ignorance and/or incompetance,
maybe you should consider taking a break from "helping" people. Or maybe
should just reconsider your choice to help people in the first place. Or,
you really wanted to help people with your obviously extensive knowledge
Outlook, maybe you would consider how your attitude affects people who are
probably already frustrated and confused (like me!).
Russ Valentine said:
Your post is inaccurate and unclear. You appear not to understand the
difference between autocompletion and autoresolution. Read the primer.
Decide which feature you are having trouble with, and post back again
with a
clearer question.
Russ Valentine
LindsayG said:
At least two of my users are having problems accessing their Contacts.
they're composing an e-mail and type in the TO: or CC: fields, they are
a list of addresses to choose from. However, when they click Contacts,
Contacts list is totally empty. Furthermore, when they click Tools ->
Address Book, they get the error "The address list could not be
I know that the "address list could not be displayed" error is fairly
common, but in all the posts I've read here the TO: field
didn't work. My users contacts are all obviously still there, but they
aren't accessible through Contacts/Address Book. I know that I can
their current address books and add new, empty ones, but is there any
save my users contacts?
Outlook 2003 / WinXP
Outlook files are located in the user's home folder, mapped to the Z:
(which is fully r/w for the user).