Looks like I need to add an extra step to my web page

However in the meantime see
Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook] wrote:
Microsoft won't acknowledge it as a bug, but there are two things
you must somehow discover to get this to work:
1. The Mail Merge Helper is no longer relevant in Office 2003.
However, it is still invoked when you choose to create labels
because it is the only dialog that allows you to select your label
type. Shame on you

for not knowing intuitively that after that
you must dismiss it and then invoke Word 2003's Mail Merge Toolbar
to complete the merge. 2. As if that weren't enough, in
Outlook/Word 2002/2003 there is also
an extra step required to create mailing labels. Instructions here:
Did this but still no good result. After selecting Mail Merge
from Tools, my
Type of Document is LABELS. After choosing 5160 for Type, I go to
Select Recipients. But when I leave 'Use an Existing List' as in
the example you referred me to, my version goes to two choices:
Connect to New Data Source
and New SQL Server Connection. I'm still a heck of a long way off
from doing
Labels using only a Category sort. Please help / direct me to a
more relevant site. Many thanks.
See the "Mailmerge from Outlook" item on fellow MVP Graham
Mayor's website
Hope this helps.
Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself
of my services on a paid consulting basis.
Doug Robbins - Word MVP
Help! I've spent several hours and now so has one of my guru
friends trying
to do a Mail Merge for Labels using a Category (Holiday Cards).
How is this
done from Outlook? We were able to do Customized View and get
only the
labels we wanted, but never able to get these labels over to
the Main Doc/Labels. Made several vain attempts. Is there a
bug in Outlook for
doing this?
We're running current versions (Outlook & Word 2003)and
supposedly have
the latest updates.
I don't have an answer but my guess is that someone in the
newsgroup probably will.
Charles Kenyon
Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:
Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented
version of Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)
http://addbalance.com/usersguide See also the MVP FAQ:
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/ which is awesome!
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