Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, meeting this morning and working
on this response for a while. LOL.
OK cool, I will change my macro security setting to Medium or lower;
hopefully I will be able To answer your question.
Currently the emails are setup by a rule. Emails come into 3 seperate
Inboxes depending on their source: "ERealty" Inbox, "" Inbox and
"Website" Inbox. This seems to be working, but we need a module that will
take each email (can do all Inboxes at once or seperately) and generate a
contact in their corresponding Contact folders (e.g. Emails from "ERealty"
Inbox create a contact in "ERealty" contact folder; " Inbox emails
create a contact in "" Contact folder, etc.)
But I think your question's more in regards to when contacts should be made,
correct? I think would probably be better if we could set these up to
generate contacts in a batch (that I can run once or twice a day) Could be
one Inbox at a time (or all Inboxes at same time, whichever is easier). I
know this may be a round-about way to do this but what I am trying to do is
Goal: Get a csv file (from each source/Inbox) w/ full names and email
address from all emails that come into the Inbox.
To do this what I am thinking is to basically take all emails from each
source (e.g each Inbox), pull out their full name and email address from the
email, and create a contact from this, then I can export all contacts from a
specific contact folder to a csv file containing the full names and email
address of all emails that came into the Inbox. Then I can import this csv
list to another program.
I also notice that the program I am importing to will not overwrite a
contact so if the list of contacts contains the same contact the second time,
there will be duplicates . So I need to maybe once or twice a day, pull all
the names and email addresses from a specfiic Inbox, generate a csv file w/
these names and email address (via creating a Outlook contact first as
intermediate step), then move these contacts to a Archive folder (by source
name, e.g. ERealty, etc. to keep them sorted by source) Then the next time I
run the program, the contacts list only includes contacts that came in since
the last time I ran the program. Then there will be no duplicates of old data
when I Import to another program. Now I've probably thoroughly confused you.
LOL. Let me know if this didn't make sense.
Basically I just need a module to take emails from each Inbox and create
contacts from all emails currently in the Inbox. (I can manually archive
these and export them to a csv file if easier to do manually then in a
. What do you think? Thanks again for your assistance.