Contact Module

  • Thread starter Thread starter Norman
  • Start date Start date



I am getting a message 'A new entry could not be added.
Please use the contacts module to create this entry.' I
click 'New' to create a new e-mail, and I click 'To'. If
the contact I need is not listed I click 'New' to add a
new contact. Next I select entry type, and I
highlight 'New Contact', and then click, 'OK'. This is
when I get the message. I never received this in the
past. I can exit the new e-mail and go directly into the
contacts folder and I can add a new entry there, but I
can't from the other path. I am running Office 2000, on a
2000 OS. Any help would be appreciated greatly.

Thanks, Norman
The Address Book interface is the wrong place to add Contacts. It was not
designed for data entry or manipulation. Contacts are added to the Contacts