contact display/lookup composing email

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rob
  • Start date Start date


I have a contact named karen sykes and the business name is Bacc. When I try
make a new e-mail I want to be able to just type her name when composing
emails and have it auto complete. This works on just about every other
contact I can think of but on this one it keeps pulling up an old email

The contact is filed as lastname, firstname. the email has her email and
under that it displays as: karen sykes. Now, if I just type bacc it will use
the e-mail under this account but just as a personal preference I'd like to
fix this. What's also strange to me is that he company name field has
bacc-taylors not bacc so it would seem that typing bacc shouldn't pull up
the email but rather bacc-taylors.

any ideas?
Rob said:
I have a contact named karen sykes and the business name is Bacc.
When I try make a new e-mail I want to be able to just type her name
when composing emails and have it auto complete. This works on just
about every other contact I can think of but on this one it keeps
pulling up an old email address.

I suspect you're talking about the autocompletion data - the names/addresses
that appear in the To field when you start typing. This is completely
unrelated to your contacts. Start typing her contact name and, after three
or four characters, press CTRL-K. This should resolve her address using the
current Contact record containing the correct address. The next time, then,
that you start typing the address, you'll see botht he correct and the old,
incorrect address. Select the incorrect one with the down-arrow key and
press Delete to get rid of it.