My contact is assigned to the category "Xmas" but when contacts are grouped
by category, he is not in the "Xmas" group.
by category, he is not in the "Xmas" group.
Russ Valentine said:In what view and in what version of Outlook?
What does this Contact's Categories field show?
Does this category exist in your Mater Categories List?
Russ Valentine
Froggy said:My contact is assigned to the category "Xmas" but when contacts are
by category, he is not in the "Xmas" group.
Froggy said:1. Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
2. View: Categories (how do you make the contacts within the category
group appear in ascending order?)
3. Contact's category is "Xmas" which does exist in the Master Categories
Russ Valentine said:In what view and in what version of Outlook?
What does this Contact's Categories field show?
Does this category exist in your Mater Categories List?
Russ Valentine
Froggy said:My contact is assigned to the category "Xmas" but when contacts are
by category, he is not in the "Xmas" group.