Construction tender software selection

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Aug 24, 2010
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Hello all,

I am IT Specialist with a company. Now my company had been involved to take a tender from the mother company. They asked me questions like:

What is software needed while doing this tender of construction a
building of three flats?
Does windows xp s2 suitable for that?

Any one know Plz help. am waiting for your kind help......

So the mother company wants the company you work for to give a quote to build them three flats?

And you are an IT specialist?

Most IT specialists I know if they were indeed specialists would know which software to recommend.

But firstly, only those personnel with recognised architectural qualifications would be capable of using any such software.

Now, if the mothership wants the satellite to bung up some bricks and mortar the little subsidary presumably has some qualified architectural staff on it's books.

So go and ask them :)
this has got to be one of the funniest threads I have read in a long time! :D

Saly architectural software is normally very expensive and very complicated to use, you would probably need training on the software before being able to use it..

Windows XP is operating system software as you should well know if you are an IT Specialist, I suggest you might want to leave the mother company to maybe find another company to take that Tender as it sounds like you don't really have the skills needed to carry out this particular task!

All the best in your next venture though..
Saw this this morning at work, but the firewall stops me from logging on!:mad:
This has to be the best thread on the forum for ages!!:lol:
Do hope saly comes back to offer us more of their IT specialist wisdom.:rolleyes:

Sir Flopps i bow to you, your answer was witty & to the point!:bow:

PS: Who will get insulted next by saly?????
thanks for all, I think you do not understand my point.
Mr. crazylegs
I know that architectural software is expensive and not easy to use, and I need software in this tender to be documented to the mother company then when the job start we will hire specialist manpower use this software. I hope my words clear.
saly said:
Hello all,

I am IT Specialist

What is software needed while doing this tender of construction a
building of three flats?
Does windows xp s2 suitable for that?


I think we all understand your point very clearly. You claim t be an IT specialist, but then ask if Windows XP will do . Here's what I am thinking. Judging by the way you have posted, I am thinking A: you are foreign so what you are trying to say is coming out higildy pigildy B: You are a student and trying to get us to do your home work . Or finally C: you are suddenly going to make a post with a link to some site you are going to spam PCR with :D
you can't write this stuff for a comic strip ... so I copyright it

what you ask for, specifically, does not exist ... no one "software", at present, does it all, and, I'm sure Win XP will cope, providing the "software" you do get is designed to run under XP

now, if anyone doesn't have anything constructive to add, please pass the biscuits ...

... this thread will close shortly once I finish me tea & biscuits.

saly said:
what forum is members like that??????????
very bad
Well here's hoping you have a nice day and dont forget to come back soon!:wave:
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