I use the following constant in a number of macros without any issues:
Const ConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=\\Corp\Public\Groups\Accounting\Trans.mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
I have sent a new macro to a user at one of our cost centers and they are
getting the following message:
"Y:\Public\Groups\Accounting\Brood\Trans.mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and
that you are connected to the server on which the file resides."
When I looked at the drives his machine was mapped to, the
\Corp\Public\Groups\Accounting\ drive wasn't there. I then mapped this drive
to his machine and had him re-boot and still no luck.
I'm not sure where this path ("Y:\Public\Groups\Accounting\Brood\Trans.mdb)
is coming from. It is not in the code in the macro. I do not believe it is
any other macro that he may be using. All of the macros that I am aware of
use the database at \Corp\Public\Groups\Accounting\
Can it be hidden somewhere and I'm not seeing it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help.....This one has
me ready to pull my hair out because I have used this contstant in over 20
macros and have never encountered this issue before.
Const ConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=\\Corp\Public\Groups\Accounting\Trans.mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
I have sent a new macro to a user at one of our cost centers and they are
getting the following message:
"Y:\Public\Groups\Accounting\Brood\Trans.mdb; Persist Security Info=False"
is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and
that you are connected to the server on which the file resides."
When I looked at the drives his machine was mapped to, the
\Corp\Public\Groups\Accounting\ drive wasn't there. I then mapped this drive
to his machine and had him re-boot and still no luck.
I'm not sure where this path ("Y:\Public\Groups\Accounting\Brood\Trans.mdb)
is coming from. It is not in the code in the macro. I do not believe it is
any other macro that he may be using. All of the macros that I am aware of
use the database at \Corp\Public\Groups\Accounting\
Can it be hidden somewhere and I'm not seeing it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the help.....This one has
me ready to pull my hair out because I have used this contstant in over 20
macros and have never encountered this issue before.