Constant Rebooting



My computeris constantly rebooting. It has suffient memory, virus protection and anti-spyware. I don't want to have to restore the whole thing, but it drives me insane! It mostly happens when I'm online. Sometimes I can surf without problems, but sometimes whenever I go to a site, either by link or typing url address, it will reboot. It will reboot when it boots up, and also happens when it'e idle. What can I do?


Maybe the CPU aircooling system is not working...check it out.
Cynthia in Sudbury said:
Hi Kelly:

You maybe experiencing an issue with your temperature guage in your PC. It
maybe set too low and therefore shutdown and restarts. If you are famillar
with BIOS, you can go into that section, and make the change under PC
protection and anti-spyware. I don't want to have to restore the whole
thing, but it drives me insane! It mostly happens when I'm online.


I had a similar prob. Usually when booting XP.

And yes while updating on the net. After I replaced
nearly everything, which was under warranty, I found
out it was my 128mb videocard. It looks like mine was ready to die

I replaced the vidcard and it hasnt rebooted since.

I knew it wasnt overclocking as I dont overclock
I knew it wasnt overheating as the temp of this P4
is usually 33-38 degrees.I knew it wasnt one of
my PCI cards (beside video), because my system
crashed without the other PCI cards, internal USB
cables/disk drives/cds attached! So, it was either
the CPU or the video that were at fault.

What were the errors in Event viewer. Were they bugchecks??

Mine were usually 0x000007f errors...


I think that I might have the same problem as you had, I am getting bug checks errors and my system restarts mostly during games like Flight Simulator 2004 and Battlefield 1942, my question is how do I know it is my vid card (64 MB Radeon 7000) and not any other peripheral, my system is over 1.25 years old so replacement is not a cheap option. Is there a way to specifically find out what hardware device is causing the problem?

David A. Spicer

Are you running the latest ATI video drivers.

xtremdav45 said:
I think that I might have the same problem as you had, I am getting bug
checks errors and my system restarts mostly during games like Flight
Simulator 2004 and Battlefield 1942, my question is how do I know it is my
vid card (64 MB Radeon 7000) and not any other peripheral, my system is
over 1.25 years old so replacement is not a cheap option. Is there a way to
specifically find out what hardware device is causing the problem?


No, can anybody tell me how to install the new ATI drivers (start to finish including uninstallation of old drivers, sorry I am not skilled and I dont wanna screw anything up).

If somebody can help me, it would be a real help.

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