Constant Hard Drive Activity Driving Me CRAZY


Nick Mercardante

For two days my hard drive has been chattering away with constant activity.
I ran task manager, the only process using CPU cycles is System Idle, I ran
spybot and adaware to remove any possible spyware, I ran virus checks for a
trojan horse. Nothing was there, I disconnected my cable mode, no change. I
have been running twin Hitachi 250GIG HDD in a RAID 0 format without a
problem for a year. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


In Nick Mercardante <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
For two days my hard drive has been chattering away with constant
activity. I ran task manager, the only process using CPU cycles is
System Idle, I ran spybot and adaware to remove any possible spyware,
I ran virus checks for a trojan horse. Nothing was there, I
disconnected my cable mode, no change. I have been running twin
Hitachi 250GIG HDD in a RAID 0 format without a problem for a year.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Well, that's not the greatest of signs... Check first to see if you have the
indexing service running and if you do see if they continue to chatter after
you disable it.



For two days my hard drive has been chattering away with constant activity.
I ran task manager, the only process using CPU cycles is System Idle, I ran
spybot and adaware to remove any possible spyware, I ran virus checks for a
trojan horse. Nothing was there, I disconnected my cable mode, no change. I
have been running twin Hitachi 250GIG HDD in a RAID 0 format without a
problem for a year. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

XP constantly tries to enhance it's performance. What you are
probably hearing is the HDD working on indexing, moving data around to
better utlize the drive, or some other XP drive optimization routine.
It's very common and nothing to worry about.

It also won't show under CPU cycles in task manager as it's managed by
the IDE controller.


In message <[email protected]> NobodyMan
XP constantly tries to enhance it's performance. What you are
probably hearing is the HDD working on indexing, moving data around to
better utlize the drive, or some other XP drive optimization routine.
It's very common and nothing to worry about.

It also won't show under CPU cycles in task manager as it's managed by
the IDE controller.

Umm, no. It's managed by the OS, not the IDE controller.

However, it takes virtually no CPU because the drives are so much slower
then the CPU, and all the CPU is doing is calculating where to move the
data, the data is moved directly between the IDE controller and RAM
(assuming you don't have DMA disabled for some reason)

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