Consolidating data



Can anyone please help.

I have a number of workbooks accumulated over a more than a year with
names like
etc. These are all in the same directory
Within each of these workbooks are a number of sheets. but I am
inteested in the sheet named "Squadding Trap"
These workbooks are used for keeping track of the rounds our members
shoot at the club and the scores they shoot.
I now want to accumulate the score for each member I select over the
workbooks I select.
This needs to be consolidated into a list on a worksheet for the
selected member, showing the date and the score shot.
The "Squadding Trap" sheet in each workbook has the date in cell F1,
the members name in column E starting at row 3 and the score in Column
F starting at row 3. It can well be that a members name will not be
found in some workbooks as they did not shoot that day. The name can
also appear a number of times in each workbook.
Is it possible to do this.? I have searched all the excel groups but
find references only of consolidatin worksheets are whole lists.

Nikos Yannacopoulos


I'm afraid you won't like what I have to say... yes, it can be done, much
like you could move your household to another state in a Yugo! Time to take
on Access!

If you still insist on doing it in Excel, at least make it more tabular by
sqeezing as many dates as possible in each worksheet (one per month?), and
storing the date for each row in a separate column. It's not Access, but at
least you'll end up with considerably less sheets.



Thanks for your frank answer Nikos. My problem is that the
spreadsheet is not simply a place for storing scores. It is a
worksheet that squads the entries onto squadding sheets, ranks them,
allocates times to shoot etc. etc. Each worksheet as a result is
quite comprehensive in size and what it does. The problem is that
each score is now left in each of these workbooks and to consolidate
them for each individual shooter becomes a mission. I do not have to
consolidate this for all shooters. Only those that request it.

Thanks for your help

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