Hi Luke,
There probably is a simpler way but here's a way using VBA
Dim sSQLString As String
' SQL string to create temporary table Grouped By Field1 &
sSQLString = "SELECT field1, field2 " & _
"FROM Table4 " & _
"GROUP BY field1, field2 " & _
"ORDER BY field1, field2;"
Dim sSubRecordset, sFieldcombined As String
Dim rst, rst1 As DAO.Recordset
' recordset on above SQL statement Grouping By Field1 &
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSQLString)
' Loop thru above recordset until the End Of File
Do Until rst.EOF
' SQL Syntax to create subtable to loop thru
sSubRecordset = "Select * From Table4 WHERE Field1 =
'" & rst(0) & "' AND Field2 = '" & rst(1) & "'"
Set rst1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sSubRecordset)
' Loop thru subtable
Do Until rst1.EOF
' combine the fields
sFieldcombined = sFieldcombined &
rst1("field3") & ","
' Insert record into temporary table "Table5"
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Table5 (field1, field2,
fieldCombined )" & _
"SELECT '" & rst(0) & "', '" & rst(1) & "', '" & Left(sFieldcombined,
Len(sFieldcombined) - 1) & "';"
' clear out the combined field and the subTable recordset
Set rst1 = Nothing
sFieldcombined = ""
' End of Code
I hope this helps! If you have additional questions on this topic, please
respond back to this posting.
Eric Butts
Microsoft Access Support
"Microsoft Security Announcement: Have you installed the patch for
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026? If not Microsoft strongly advises
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http://www.microsoft.com/security/security_bulletins/ms03-026.asp> and/or
to visit Windows Update at <
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/> to install
the patch. Running the SCAN program from the Windows Update site will help
to insure you are current with all security patches, not just MS03-026."
| Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
| From: "Luke" <
[email protected]>
| Sender: "Luke" <
[email protected]>
| Subject: Consolidate 3 values into 1
| Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2004 10:13:50 -0800
| Lines: 23
| Message-ID: <
[email protected]>
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| I need to consolidate values from a table containing 3
| fields (columns; the first 2 columns contain the same
| information, 3rd column is unique) into 1 field
| (column). There are multiple entries (rows), anywhere
| from 2 to 188.
| Following is an example what I need to do:
| Current set:
| Field1 Field2 Field3
| City Street Main
| City Street Belt
| City Street East
| Result I need to get:
| Field4
| City, Street, Main, Belt, East
| Any idea how to do this (VBA, query)? Your help or
| suggestions are greatly appreciated.
| Thank you.