Also -- while you're at it with my previous question -- how do we embed
the console window at the bottom of the right-hand panel of Windows
Wouldn't it be great if we had an Explorer button which, when clicked,
the console pane would open at the bottom of the right-hand pane, and
the command prompt would have navigated to the folder we're in, so that
we can just type commands and apply them automatically only on the files
in that folder?
(I'm sure there's a way of doing it using the hidden HTT file that
defines the look of the Explorer window. It would also be great if we
could use TrueType fonts -- such as Courier New -- and other style
customizations to give it an HTML look for increased legibility. Sorry,
Lucid Console with black on white is murder on my eyes.)
Many thanks!
the console window at the bottom of the right-hand panel of Windows
Wouldn't it be great if we had an Explorer button which, when clicked,
the console pane would open at the bottom of the right-hand pane, and
the command prompt would have navigated to the folder we're in, so that
we can just type commands and apply them automatically only on the files
in that folder?
(I'm sure there's a way of doing it using the hidden HTT file that
defines the look of the Explorer window. It would also be great if we
could use TrueType fonts -- such as Courier New -- and other style
customizations to give it an HTML look for increased legibility. Sorry,
Lucid Console with black on white is murder on my eyes.)
Many thanks!