consistent IE7 freezes

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IE7 is consistently freezing on me with home premium.
i have had the OK installed for about a week now.
ON average, i will be able to view maybe 5-6 pages before it freezes
and i have to bring up the task manager and end the application.
This happens viewing a pretty broad spectrum of webpages, but maybe
more on commercial sites, like newegg for example. However sometimes
it freezes just opening up the yahoo homepage....

in general i have had less problems on newsgroup pages like this, but

my computer is about 7 years old now, but it was an absolute monster
when i built it: dual athlon 1800 processors and 2 gigs of ram. So
while i understand vista would like more power, my system really
shouldn't be such a dog that this is happening. I will upgrade the
system soon but for now, it is what it is.
i've gone through some of the tweaking suggested on websites for
performance, and i turned off all the other apps AND alot of
unnecessary services and idle programs in the systray.

i know IE7 just can't actually be this bad. no one would release a
program that works so shoddily, so i am kind of assuming that there
may be other issues at work here.
could there be some settings... maybe security settings set too
strictly or something... that are causing IE to freeze?
i'm running panda AV and firewall too.

the security settings are set to the default normal as far as i can
tell... and i tried backing things down a notch, but still got the
same results.

it has become an exercise in frustration though, browsing is
essentially not functional.
before i can find what i want, it needs to be nauseum.

any ideas?


Have you All Programs > Maintenance > Problem Reports and Solutions > View
Problem History to see if there are any reports listed for Internet
Explorer? If so, right click it and click View Details which will provide
you with possible information on what is causing IE to hang. Have recently
installed add ons such as Flash, Java SE or other add ons?
Have you disabled/re-enabled any IE add-ons to see if they are the cause of the

I Bleed Blue and Gold
Have you All Programs > Maintenance > Problem Reports and Solutions > View
Problem History to see if there are any reports listed for Internet
Explorer? If so, right click it and click View Details which will provide
you with possible information on what is causing IE to hang. Have recently
installed add ons such as Flash, Java SE or other add ons?

there are 23 add-ons listed in the manage add-ons. i dont' know if
there is a way to tell in what order they were added...

i checked the problem reports... what would i be looking for?
The problem event name is AppHangB1 in all 28 instances... [and i'd
swear it has happened more than 38 times....]
the hang signature varies: c18e, cf5f, 1f7b, c089 [8], 5b3c [27]
hang type: 18956, 18436, 16908

Have you All Programs > Maintenance > Problem Reports and Solutions > View
Problem History to see if there are any reports listed for Internet
Explorer? If so, right click it and click View Details which will provide
you with possible information on what is causing IE to hang. Have recently
installed add ons such as Flash, Java SE or other add ons?

bummer, i just typed out an entire response and it didn't take, so i'm
doing it again....

there are 38 instance of IE freezing in the problem history. what
exactly would i be looking for?
the majority of them are
Problem name: AppHangB1
Hang Signature: 5b3c
HangType: 16908

but there are a few others as well

and while the problem history lists 38 events, i can tell you there
are MANY more times that what they list.
for instance, there is nothing listed for today, but here is a sample
of my browsing history from when AFTER i first posted:
Opened IE7 to homepage
Opened sartorialist. Page froze. Shut down IE7

Restarted hompage
Search for newegg.
Opened newegg.
Opened memory page. Page froze. Shut down IE7

Restarted homepage
Search for newegg.
Opened newegg.
Opened memory page. Page froze. Shut down IE7

Restarted homepage
Opened nextag
Opend teamexcess. Page froze. Shut down IE7

Restarted homepage. [took 30 seconds from time I clicked on icon till
window opened]
Opened newegg memory page from history. Page froze. Shut down IE7

Restarted homepage. Page froze. Shut down IE7

Can you imagine the frustration trying to browse with THAT happening?

there are 23 add-ons counted in the manage add-ons.... is there some
way to tell when they were added?
but the fact listed in the problem history is that this has happened
so consistently since I installed vista last week that I would have a
hard time attributing it to a specific time when the problem started.
it started when i installed vista. but i can't say it got worse after
a certain add-on was introduced.
I would recommend resetting your Internet Explorer settings, click Start >
type Internet Options > click it > click the 'Advanced' tab > under 'Reset
Internet Explorer settings' > click 'Reset'.
My Vista Quickstart Guide:!E8E5CC039D51E3DB!9709.entry
Have you All Programs > Maintenance > Problem Reports and Solutions >
Problem History to see if there are any reports listed for Internet
Explorer? If so, right click it and click View Details which will provide
you with possible information on what is causing IE to hang. Have
installed add ons such as Flash, Java SE or other add ons?

there are 23 add-ons listed in the manage add-ons. i dont' know if
there is a way to tell in what order they were added...

i checked the problem reports... what would i be looking for?
The problem event name is AppHangB1 in all 28 instances... [and i'd
swear it has happened more than 38 times....]
the hang signature varies: c18e, cf5f, 1f7b, c089 [8], 5b3c [27]
hang type: 18956, 18436, 16908

Problem caused by Windows
This problem was caused by Windows. This program was created by Microsoft
Corporation. Microsoft Corporation does not currently have a solution for
the problem that you reported.
However, your computer might be missing updates that can help improve its
stability and security.

Install high-priority updates from the Microsoft Update website.
If you don't see any high-priority updates available, then Automatic Update
has already installed them on your computer.
Use Automatic Updates to keep your computer up to date.
With Automatic Updates, you don't have to search for updates online or worry
that critical fixes for Windows might be missing from your computer. Windows
automatically checks for the latest important updates for your computer.
Depending on the Automatic Updates settings you choose, Windows can install
updates automatically or just let you know they're available.
To learn more about Automatic Updates, read Microsoft Update and other
services: Frequently asked questions online.

Rate this response:Provide Feedback

Ummm, yeah guys, no solution?

Have you All Programs > Maintenance > Problem Reports and Solutions > View
Problem History to see if there are any reports listed for Internet
Explorer? If so, right click it and click View Details which will provide
you with possible information on what is causing IE to hang. Have recently
installed add ons such as Flash, Java SE or other add ons?
Problem caused by Windows
This problem was caused by Windows. This program was created by Microsoft
Corporation. Microsoft Corporation does not currently have a solution for
the problem that you reported.
However, your computer might be missing updates that can help improve its
stability and security.

Install high-priority updates from the Microsoft Update website.
If you don't see any high-priority updates available, then Automatic Update
has already installed them on your computer.
Use Automatic Updates to keep your computer up to date.
With Automatic Updates, you don't have to search for updates online or worry
that critical fixes for Windows might be missing from your computer. Windows
automatically checks for the latest important updates for your computer.
Depending on the Automatic Updates settings you choose, Windows can install
updates automatically or just let you know they're available.
To learn more about Automatic Updates, read Microsoft Update and other
services: Frequently asked questions online.

Ummm, yeah guys, no solution?

was this the answer to what my specific hang signatures were?
ribt said:
Switch to the Firefox browser. I had similar problems and since doing so
haven't had any any of the problems I was having with IE7

Firefox + AdBlock Plus = Bliss. I love Internet Explorer 7 but it simply
doesn't allow me to get my Novell work Webmail (and very other browser
does) and it feels a generation behind when it comes to blocking
commercial content.