Hope you can help me. This is a trick one - at least I think
so. I
have 2 strings. I have to calculate the "score" of the strings. Score
is determined by matching patterns of letters within the strings.
Essentially it is the sum of the consequtive letter matches.
Here are the rules of score:
1. Start at the end of the shorter string and and add up the amount of
letters found in the same order in the longer string. Continue for all
letters in the shorter string
2. I think that you may have to work from the end of the longer string
3. If strings are equal - pick either, note that the answer should be
the same regardless of which strings is compared against which.
As you can see the maximum value of score could be the length
of the
shortest string (in this case the shorter string is identical to the
longer, like a subset)
Simple Worked Example:
String1: "My name is John"
String2: "My name is Johnson"
Score = 12 (for "name isJohn") + 3 (for "My") = 15
Can anyone help me with coding this algorithm please?
Comments/sample-code greatly appreciated. Is this a well known string
matching algorithm?
Thank you,
Hope you can help me. This is a trick one - at least I think
so. I
have 2 strings. I have to calculate the "score" of the strings. Score
is determined by matching patterns of letters within the strings.
Essentially it is the sum of the consequtive letter matches.
Here are the rules of score:
1. Start at the end of the shorter string and and add up the amount of
letters found in the same order in the longer string. Continue for all
letters in the shorter string
2. I think that you may have to work from the end of the longer string
3. If strings are equal - pick either, note that the answer should be
the same regardless of which strings is compared against which.
As you can see the maximum value of score could be the length
of the
shortest string (in this case the shorter string is identical to the
longer, like a subset)
Simple Worked Example:
String1: "My name is John"
String2: "My name is Johnson"
Score = 12 (for "name isJohn") + 3 (for "My") = 15
Can anyone help me with coding this algorithm please?
Comments/sample-code greatly appreciated. Is this a well known string
matching algorithm?
Thank you,