Back in Access 2003 (and previous versions), you could start typing a number
in a column in a query (or table), show Access the pattern, and then as you
pressed the down arrow, it would automatically continue the series. For
example, if I had a column of, say, item numbers, I could sort the query as I
wanted it, type a "1" in the first record, a "2" in the next one down, then
all I had to do was press the down arrow and Access would continue with 3, 4,
5, etc. This isn't working in 2007! Anyone know how to make it?
I know this is pretty rudimentary and there's probably a way to code the
behavior. I'm not much of a VBA whiz but I'm willing to learn!
in a column in a query (or table), show Access the pattern, and then as you
pressed the down arrow, it would automatically continue the series. For
example, if I had a column of, say, item numbers, I could sort the query as I
wanted it, type a "1" in the first record, a "2" in the next one down, then
all I had to do was press the down arrow and Access would continue with 3, 4,
5, etc. This isn't working in 2007! Anyone know how to make it?
I know this is pretty rudimentary and there's probably a way to code the
behavior. I'm not much of a VBA whiz but I'm willing to learn!