Connumdrum #1

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alex J
  • Start date Start date

Alex J

I am trying to clear the "Author" property of the comments I have added to
my application, because I do not like the "Cell A1 commented by Bozo the
Clown" information which automatically appears in the status bar. (XL2000)

It appears to be a read-only parameter.

Any way to prevent the user bar info??

Thanks in advance,

Alex J

I have no idea how to prevent the information on the StatusBar in th
commented case only.
Why don't you use Application.StatusBar = "" in suitable timing
The problem is "in suitable timing". The status bar message associated with
the comment in a cell occurs when the mouse is placed over the cell - a
completely non-trappable event on the worksheet, I believe. I have no way to
predict or trap the mouse-over event.

Alex said:
The problem is "in suitable timing". *

Yes, there is NO event for Wks_MouseMove().
And we cannot change Comment.Author property.

So what I can tell you is... Get XY position of all comments, and Get
mouse XY point with API.

If the mouse XY point intersects XY points of comments, turn on
Application.StatusBar = False...

Sounds a little bit heavy.. and I don't think it's a good idea. :(

Please wait for the reply from MVPs.

Here is a code for get XY point of mouse cursol.


Private Declare Function GetCursorPos _
Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) _
As Long

Private Type POINTAPI
x As Long
y As Long
End Type

Sub Test()
Dim MousePT As POINTAPI, x As Double, y As Double
GetCursorPos MousePT
x = MousePT.x
y = MousePT.y
Application.StatusBar = "( X=: " & x & " Y =: " & y & ")"
End Sub

Thanks for help, Colo, and for the code. I agree that the 'heaviness"
doesn't balance the benefit of a clear status bar. The extra processing
alone would significantly slow down my UI, I think.
