Connections problems Win xp & Win2k server

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I have a small LAN with a Win2k server and 3 XP stations.
I have a workgroup, and I share the internet connection,
an SQL software, and some files. For the files, I defined
permissions for the users. I have no problems with the
internet neither with SQL nor with the ip address. One of
the stations has no problem (name : stocks). But with the
two other, I don't recieve the window asking me my name
and my password to recieve the permission on the server!
And then, the server don't know me, or associate me with
somebody and I have only a read access! Normally,
with "stocks", when I try to access the server, I recieve
a window asking me my name and my password. And after, I
can access the folders on the server with my rights. I
think that there is something in regedit to change on the
stations, to force the computer to autenticate himself
and not to use the last used name. But I don't know which
one! I'm sure it's not coming from the server! And when I
create new users on the station (administrator or guest)
it fonctions! But I have to use the one who exist! Thanks
a lot... because I can't find any answer by myself!
many possibilities. 1. auto logon? 2. simple file sharing? 3. enabled guest
account? 4. all machines have the same logon and password?

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Auto logon on the station because there is only one user
(administrator). Simple file sharing with permissions,
and the guest account is disabled. The machine are
different by the name and the user. The user on the
server is normally defined when the machine try to
connect to it. It recieve a window asking the name and
the password. And you can write the user you want if the
name you entered exist of course. It doesn't depend on
the machine. But for two conputers, i don't recieve this
invitation anymore! And when Sabrina (one user) want to
connect the server, she's Sabrina for the server (an
existing user) but because she doesn't write his name it
doesn't work! I don't understand! There is perhaps
another possibility...