Connections in V2005?? re Timeouts

  • Thread starter Thread starter mikeb
  • Start date Start date


I'm just poking around again trying to find where .net sits with the
Connection method's issue with not timing out in a reasonable time period.
We have a real-time wireless app that has to attempt a connection before
each transaction. We have implemented work arounds to get this to work,
somewhat okay. But we are still left worrying about how well this
workaround will be accepted (that is, will it work well enough in a real

But, looking for a workaround is not what I'm after here --- is there
anything in the works (VS 2005 maybe) to 1) allow us to control the true
connection timeout? 2) use the ConnectionStates to check on a connection
and then break the attempt ourselves??

The Connect Timeout in the connection string doesn't exactly fit the bill
the way it seems to be intended - "The length of time (in seconds) to wait
for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating
an error." -

Maybe if all of the Connection State options were available (those listed
under the ConnectionState enumeration) we could just test as we go, and then
somehow break the connection attempt. WOULD this be possible?

The help file states that Fetching, Connecting and Executing (for example)
are "reserved for future versions of the product"

When will Connection.Open allow us to test for a long running connection
attempt? Better, when will we be able to set a timeout value that doesn't
have our apps waiting an eternity (in "user" time) for a failed connection
to timeout?

Anyone hear anything? I've not had time to look at the beta of 2005 - has
anyone checked for these issues being resolved?

Thanks a ton!
Slightly off topic; but you could try to ping the server before connecting -
this would at least allow you to determine if the server is available and if
not do not try to connect to SQL.
Off topic? How?

Using, the connection object is missing components (SEE
ConnectionState), and does not timeout appropriately. How is this off

Pinging is our workaround - but I'm not looking for a workaround - I'm
curious where this issue lies. Searches give me plenty of reason to believe
that I'm not the only one finding this an issue. And seeing "reserved for
future release" in the help for ConnectionState has me asking
'WHEN' -

so, how is this off topic?